Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Osama's death

news of Osama's death is a keyword that is popular now a days. Osama bin Laden's death, the death of prominent news that is always associated with al-Qaeda network, Osama bin Laden is now widespread. This is in line with president Barrack Obama's speech at the White House who said that the figures that are often associated with al-Qaeda has died after a shootout between U.S forces....
berita kematian Osama adalah suatu kata kunci yang populer sekarang hari. Kematian Osama bin Laden, kematian berita terkemuka yang selalu dikaitkan dengan jaringan Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden sekarang tersebar luas. Hal ini sejalan dengan pidato Presiden Barrack Obama di Gedung Putih yang mengatakan bahwa angka-angka yang sering dikaitkan dengan al-Qaeda telah meninggal setelah tembak-menembak antara pasukan AS

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